If Appliances Are More Efficient Now, Why Do You Have To Upgrade Your Home's Wiring?

Posted on: 11 May 2022

One of the great changes in technology over the past several years has been the improvement in appliance efficiency, with refrigerators and more using fewer watts and amps to run. So why does there always seem to be someone telling you to upgrade your home's wiring? That's because older wiring and older circuits often don't carry enough power to make sure everything can run when you need it to. Older wiring setups used less power and fewer circuits.
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When You Need To Hire An Electrical Contractor To Install A Whole House Surge Protector

Posted on: 13 April 2022

If you've ever had a power outage at home, you understand the value of surge protectors. These gadgets protect your home electronics and appliances from power surges. Whole house surge protection is one of the most important devices to use for residential or commercial buildings. Internal surge protection protects against damage from power surges from the power grid and internal damage from turning high power devices on and off. An electrical contractor connects the protector between the panel and the power line.
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5 Instances You Need A Residential Electrician To Carry Out Electrical Inspection

Posted on: 11 April 2022

A home electrical inspection, also referred to as an electrical inspection, is a procedure for inspecting a property's electrical system. Inspections are typically ordered in the real estate industry when assessing a property. They are also ordered in other industries when they believe that electrical issues might be prevalent in a property. A home electrical inspection helps identify electrical hazards such as electrical wiring, electrical outlets, electrical panels, electrical switches, and electrical breakers.
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Electrical System Services: Reasons For Flickering Lights

Posted on: 6 April 2022

Flickering lights are a fairly common occurrence in most establishments, households, and commercial buildings. Some causes for this may not pose much of a risk. In other cases, however, the cause of the blinking may be more serious and require immediate attention to prevent electrocutions or even electrical fires. Keep reading to learn why you have blinking lights. Loose Wire Connections  When wiring is loose, it could result from wear and tear, outdated wire installations, or poor wiring.
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